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The Huguenot

The du Toit's Cemetery

Amongst vines, just meters away from to the original du Toit's farm house, rests the du Toit's cemetery. 


CemeteryBoard.jpg (164657 bytes)At the entrance of the cemetery there's a plaque, erected by the Historical Monuments Commission!


cemgrave.jpg (150868 bytes)A Tombstone has Afrikaans forefathers' names, such as: the Rev. S.J. du Toit, D.F. du Toit - better know as 'oom Lokomotief' (Uncle Locomotive), the doctor D.F. du Toit, etc. 

cemetery.jpg (88983 bytes)A remarkable site, one that should make us proud of our heritage, shouldn't the weeds and signs of time have taken over.

How did this happen? How can we ignore a historical monument and repudiate our lineage? 

Certainly us, Huguenots' descendants could take the initiative of organizing a regular clearing up of this last resting place.

Let's join our efforts and let's do the right thing!


For suggestions please e-mail François at: Francois.DuToit@sappitrading.com or

João du Toit at: joao@pacific.net.hk